Member-only story
Like Lazarus
I was lost so deep within
Everything that I called “sin” —
Adrift and wandering, but then,
Jesus called to me, “Come out!”
The door was closed; I couldn’t see
That all I needed to be free
Was already inside of me,
But Jesus called to me, “Come out!”
Like Lazarus inside the grave,
I didn’t know I was a slave
Until the Saviour came to save
And Jesus called to me, “Come out!”
I shed religious bonds and chains,
And stubborn arbitrary claims
That who I am is to blame
When Jesus called to me, “Come out!”
I had locked my own prison
With fear and self-recrimination,
So it was difficult to listen
When Jesus called to me, “Come out!”
I found the key was in my hand
And all I had to do was stand
And walk, and know I am not damned,
For Jesus called to me, “Come out!”
I opened up the closet door,
And everything came sharp and clear
That I am absolutely…